
Generic types for vessel instruments.

/** @file VesselInstrumentsGeneric.idl */
/** Types used in Ratatosk
@ingroup Types
module ratatosk
module types
struct TypeTest
char charVal;
octet uint8Val;
short int16Val;
unsigned short uint16Val;
long int32Val;
unsigned long uint32Val;
long long int64Val;
unsigned long long uint64Val;
float floatVal;
double doubleVal;
boolean boolVal;
string stringVal;
#pragma keylist TypeTest
struct ArrayTest
long vals[3];
TypeTest test;
/// Char
struct Int8Val
char val;
#pragma keylist Int8Val
/// Octadecimal
struct Uint8Val
octet val;
#pragma keylist Uint8Val
/// Short
struct Int16Val
short val;
#pragma keylist Int16Val
/// Unsigned short
struct Uint16Val
unsigned short val;
#pragma keylist Uint16Val
/// Long
struct Int32Val
long val;
#pragma keylist Int32Val
/// Unsigned long
struct Uint32Val
unsigned long val;
#pragma keylist Uint32Val
/// Long long
struct Int64Val
long long val;
#pragma keylist Int64Val
/// Unsigned long long
struct Uint64Val
unsigned long long val;
#pragma keylist Uint64Val
/// Character
struct CharVal
char val;
#pragma keylist CharVal
/// boolean
struct BoolVal
boolean val;
#pragma keylist BoolVal
/// Single presicion floating point
struct FloatVal
float val;
#pragma keylist FloatVal
/// Short
struct ShortVal
short val;
#pragma keylist ShortVal
/// Double presicion floating point
struct DoubleVal
double val;
#pragma keylist DoubleVal
/// String
struct StringVal
string val;
#pragma keylist StringVal
/// A 2D-vector with double precision elements.
struct Double2
double x;
double y;
#pragma keylist Double2
/// A 3D-vector with double precision elements.
struct Double3
double x;
double y;
double z;
#pragma keylist Double3
/// A 4D-vector with double precision elements.
struct Double4
double x;
double y;
double z;
double w;
#pragma keylist Double4
/// A 3D-vector with single precision elements
struct Float3
float x;
float y;
float z;
#pragma keylist Float3
/// A vector of characters.
struct VectorChar
sequence<char> vals;
#pragma keylist VectorChar
/// An array of single precision floating point numbers, and a short array identifier.
struct ArrayFloat
short arrayid; ///< Identifier
sequence<float> vals; ///< Vector of single precision floating point numbers
#pragma keylist ArrayFloat arrayid
/// An array of double precision floating point numbers, and a short array identifier.
struct ArrayDouble
short arrayid; ///< Identifier
sequence<double> vals; ///< Vector of double precision floating point numbers
#pragma keylist ArrayDouble arrayid
/// A point in 2D euclidean space
struct Point2D
float x; ///< X-coordinate
float y; ///< Y-coordinate
#pragma keylist Point2D
/// A line in 2D eulidean space
struct Line2D
sequence<float> x; ///< A vector of X-coordinates.
sequence<float> y; ///< A vector of Y-coordinates.
#pragma keylist Line2D
/// 2D-vector with latitude and longitude.
struct PositionGlobal2D
double lat; ///< Latitude [degreeN]
double lon; ///< Longitude [degreeE]
#pragma keylist PositionGlobal2D
/// 2D-vector with coordinates x and y.
struct PositionLocal2D
double x; ///< X-coordinate [degreeN]
double y; ///< Y-coordinate [degreeE]
#pragma keylist PositionLocal2D
/// GPS information of an entity.
struct PosInfo
double lat; ///< Latitude [degreeN]
double lon; ///< Longitude [degreeE]
double sog; ///< Speed over ground [m/s]
double cog; ///< Course over ground [m/s]
#pragma keylist PosInfo
/// Gyro information of an entity.
struct GyroInfo
double hdt; ///< True heading of entity [rad]
double rot; ///< Rate of turn [rad/s]
#pragma keylist GyroInfo
/// Wind information.
struct WindInfo
double trueSpeed; ///< True wind speed [m/s]
double trueDir; ///< True wind direction [rad]
double relSpeed; ///< Wind speed relative to entity [m/s]
double relDir; ///< Wind direction relative to entity [rad]
double trueWindRelDir; ///< True wind direction relative to entity heading [rad]
#pragma keylist WindInfo
/// Depth information, typically echo sounder.
struct DepthInfo
double depth; ///< Depth [m]
double depthBelowTransducer; ///< Depth below trancducer [m]
#pragma keylist DepthInfo
/// Log information from vessel speed log.
struct LogInfo
double speed; ///< Speed [m/s]
#pragma keylist LogInfo
/// Winch information.
struct WinchInfo
double extractedWire; ///< Length of extracted wire [m]
double tension; ///< Tension of wire [N]
double speed; ///< Extraction speed of wire [m/s]
double rpm; ///< Rpm of spool [rpm]
double oilPressure; ///< Oil pressure [psi]
#pragma keylist WinchInfo
/// Information about the flowrate of oil.
struct FlowRateInfo
double rate; ///< [l/s]
double rate1; ///< [l/s]
double rate2; ///< [l/s]
#pragma keylist FlowRateInfo
struct FlowTotalInfo
double total; ///< [l]
double total1; ///< [l]
double total2; ///< [l]
#pragma keylist FlowTotalInfo
/// Water current information at depths.
struct CurrentAtDepth
double speed; ///< Magnitude of the current [m/s]
double direction; ///< The direction at which the water is flowing [rad]
double depth; ///< Depth of reading [m]
#pragma keylist CurrentAtDepth
/// A current profile containing one or more currents
struct CurrentProfile
sequence<CurrentAtDepth> currents; ///< Vector of CurrentAtDepth structs.
#pragma keylist CurrentProfile
/// Common vessel info, machinery signals
struct Machinery
double auxCons; ///< Oil consumption auxiliary engines [kg/h]
double auxElProd; ///< Electricity production auxiliary motor [kW]
double auxLoad_kW; ///< Load on auxiliary motor [kW]
double meCons; ///< Oil consumption main motor [kg/h]
double meLoad_kW; ///< Load on main motor [kW]
double meRpm; ///< Rotational speed main motor [rpm]
double sumCons; ///< Total oil consumption [kg/h]
double sumElProd; ///< Total electricity production [kW]
double sumLoad_kW; ///< Total load [kW]
double ptiPower; ///< Power take in [kW]
double ptoPower; ///< Power take off [kW]
double sfc; ///< Total oil consumption divided by total electrical energy [g/kWh]
/// Common vessel info, propulsion signals
struct Propulsion
double efficiency; ///< Propulsion efficiency [%]
double pitchPd; ///< Propulsion pitch [-]
double pitchPercent; ///< Propulsion pitch percent [%]
double rpm; ///< Rotational speed of propeller [rpm]
double power; ///< Propulsion power [kW]
double thrust; ///< Propulsion thrust [kN]
double torque; ///< Propulsion torque [kN.m]
double speed; ///< Speed through water [m/s]
double powerToPropellerJet; ///< Propulsion power to jet propeller [kW]
/// Common vessel information
struct CommonVesselInfo
Machinery machinery;
Propulsion propulsion;
double nfc;
#pragma keylist CommonVesselInfo
Definition: DecisionSupport.idl:1